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Setup Google Drive application and automatic download

Download and setup Google Drive application

Log in with your GMAIL account which you use on Google Chrome browser and configure your Google Drive application. It can be by default if you have enough space(2TB) on C: or the download folder can be changed to another drive.
Open Google Drive in the browser and go to "Shared with me" from the left panel. There must be "ISTA_Shared" folder in it.
Right-click on the folder "ISTA_Shared" -> "Organize" -> "Add shortcut", then select "My Drive" and click Add.
Open Windows Explorer where you must have "Google Drive" disk. For example Google Drive(G:). Go on it, then "My Drive". The created shortcut earlier will make "ISTA_Shared" folder visible here. Right-click on it and in the menu you must have google drive menus. Select "Offline access" -> "Available offline". This will start the automatic download process of all files.

Create "SharedStorage" link

Open Command prompt as Administrator and type the following command:
mklink /d C:SharedStorage destination
replace destination with the absolute path where Google Drive app download ISTA_Shared folder files.
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to G:My DriveISTA_Shared and copy the absolute path from the address bar
If this is done correctly you must have "SharedStorage" folder in C: drive.
Please verify that when you click on "SharedStorage" folder it actually opens the folder where all ISTA files are. IMPORTANT!

Install "Admin Client" by executing the installation file BMW_ISPI_iLean_ISPI_Admin_Client_23.2.901.326.msi

Do not start it yet.
Copy the license files. You can refer to "Update license and ISTA to a newer version" section for this step.
Once completed start the "Admin Client" and it should load completely and not ask for Login data.

Install "ISTA Launcher"Install "ISTA Launcher" by executing the installation file BMW_ISPI_ISTA-LAUNCHER_1.44.0.1534.exe

Reboot PC!

Start ISTA installation

After the Launcher is installed and PC rebooted, start the Launcher from the bottom right corner by double-clicking on the icon.

Install ISTA.
Wait for the whole process to finish with the status "Successful installation".
Start ISTA and verify that it's working correctly.

Update license and ISTA to a newer version

In order to update to a new version of ISTA you must have a new license.

The license pack comes in an archive with the name iLeanLicense(*COMPUTER NAME*).zip

Before updating ISTA, make sure that you have the latest versions of Admin Client and ISPI Launcher installed from Google Drive.

  • Extract the archive
  • Open Windows Explorer and paste the following in the address bar: 
    %programdata%\BMW\ISPI\config\iLean\ISPI Admin Client
  • Delete all old files in this folder and place the new files from the archive
  • Start the "Admin Client" so the new license is loaded.
  • Go to the small icons down right corner and double-click on "BMW ISPI ISTA Launcher"
  • Click on "Check for software updates" and start the update.