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Coding is change of settings already available in module which give desired function. That doesn’t include hacking or writing code. All changes are made based on already included functions in any module. The only settings could be changed are already build in.

Any car is released from factory with initial software. In time BMW release new versions which could include optimizing of systems and new functions. Software update is not necessary, but recommended. Best way to check if there is new software for your car is via diagnostic.

Retrofit is a process of adding extra which the car doesn’t have from factory. For question what could be added to your car please contact us.

The extras which could be unlocked depend on the modules installed in the car, their hardware and software versions. Part of them could be determined by VIN, all the rest by diagnostic.

No, coding doesn’t void warranty. That’s setting already build in the software of the modules, but are not enabled from factory. Coding by us only enable and option which your car has already been programmed to do.

There are few ways that coded options could be lost.<br> If the dealer you are visiting do software update your car will lose all individual settings. Software update are not common and it’t not part of service package. Dealers don’t do software update except is there is a problem which could not be solved by another way. BMW sometimes release recommended software update for group or all series cars called action.<br> Another case of losing coded options is in case of retrofit or some 3rd party touch something they shouldn’t.<br> That’s why we have an automated system to check and backup car settings to compare what is changed after each setting change.

Not at all. Depend on what exactly is about to do, we usually code options one by one, which doesn’t delete already existing. However on more complicated task, we have an automated system which backup all car settings.

Depend on the car model, what equipment has and requested coding options. Most often that happen in an hour, which include connecting the car to interface, car inspection and execution of the coding options. For exact time you can contact us.

Depend on the car model, the equipment and if there is an issue in some of the modules. You could be given exact time after car inspection.

Mostly within 1 hour, but some business navigation systems can take up to 3 hours.

Software update by itself is not necessary without any reason, it&39;s recommended especially when there is notification published by BMW.

BMW infotainment systems that support Apple CarPlay are factory fitted on cars manufactured after mid-2016. HU-H2 HU-H3 HU-B2

The support for Android Auto is introduced in systems from ID7 and above. Older systems don&39;t support such functions.